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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1661. Carta de Basco Pereira, administrador de la renta del tabaco, para su suegro Bartolomé López Telles.

Autor(es) Basco Pereira      
Destinatário(s) Bartolomé López Telles      
In English

Letter from Basco Pereira, a tobacco revenue administrator, to Bartolomé López Telles, his father-in-law.

The author writes to Bartolomé López Telles, his father-in-law, sending news regarding several matters, businesses and people they have in common. Furthermore, he transcribes text fragments from other people´s letters.

Basco Pereira, of Portuguese origin, was a tobacco revenue administrator. He lived alternately in Ocaña and Toledo and only travelled to Madrid for business matters. Bartolomé López Telles was his father-in-law and lived in Madrid. Basco Pereira often wrote to his father-in-law in order for him to deal with certain work related matters in Madrid. Due to his position, he also kept a correspondence with many other people. Basco Pereira was accused of judaizer and of being an abettor of an observant of the Law of Moses network, reason why he was arrested on the Corpus Christy day in 1661.The letters provided to the process documentation (5 in all) were seized from the defendant himself in the moment he was arrested. The prosecutor´s accusation is based solely in the content of the letters, given they were proof of his role as an abettor and they were written with a double language full of hidden messages. The letters were indeed full of numerous mentions to people with false names or pseudonyms that only the defendant or the addressee could know. It was due to the fact of all of them being judaizers who feared that they could be found out by the Inquisition. The prosecutor also argued that the defendant used the correspondence to support and protect this judaizer network, as can be seen from the alms he was distributing to them through his father-in-law, despite the fact the defendant was not wealthy. Basco Pereira denied all these facts during the interrogation. He tried to defend himself from all the accusations and assured that him and his family were convinced Old Christians. Eventually the defendant was condemned to penance, banishment and to pay 500 ducats for being a heretic. This letter has several annotations and underlined passages making reference to the different names throughout the text. These annotations were made by Holy Office members who tried to find out more about those people and how they related to the defendant. The content of this letter is almost identical to the one in letter PS7016, excepting from a few slightly different details and a change towards the end of it. The letter transcribed in here is longer, what leads us to believe that this is the original from which a copy was made and sent three days later out of fear of the first one getting lost.

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Por la que tube de Juan de 11 del Corriente Veo averse vmd allado sin carta mia a 2 correios que lo siento en estremo que yo no falto con ellas el caso es que se las quitan en la estafeta de que necessita vmd ponerse a la vista a ver quien las pide que ha de ser por parte de una perssona que me tiene escrito tres vezes y yo no tengo respondido a ellas sin primero me informar de vmd quien era que dhas cartas mandava en las de vmd para el Correo escrivere dos Renglones no mas por la estafeta y procure vmd otra carta a Jorjes el que la lleva que sera otro canto d esta que rimito a Manuel y para se poder saber fuera mejor asistiera a La mira Juan Ramos por no ser conocido yo respondo en dos palabras a la sra que es pidiendole me mande avissar donde le tengo de Rimitir lo que pudiere que la pra carta que me escrivio enpeçava: supuesto que no conosco a vmd sino para servillo Las grandes ynformaciones que de vmd me an dado de quien es Le suplico me socorra con lo que pudiere que an sido tantos mis trabajos y tan grandes quanto no son para manifestar por carta y confiada no sirve de mas a vmd gde Dios palabras pocas más U menos Izabel Roiz. sigunda en la misma forma diziendo me avia ya escrito. tercera quatro Ringlones que son los sites esta no sirve de mas que de acuerdo de que tengo a vmd escrito otras 2. que por ella avera vmd visto Lo que Le suppco estimare que vmd me Responda gde Dios a vmd muchos anos Md a 11 de mayo de 1661. Izavel Roiz. y como no tengo rrespondido a ellas quereria saber pidiendo las cartas si estava yo en esta pues que no respondia que sera Lo cierto mandandome avisar donde quiere que se le inbie se sabra quien es de que dare avisso de todo prometo a vmd que no se donde ha de estar un honbre livre de cartas pues aun las que no conoçen dan enfado. en las que faltavan tratava de todo largo y que me avisase si venia. el tavaco por quanto yo tendre para dies u 12 dias no mas que lo tengo dejado de conprar por aguardar. en quanto a cobranças no digo mas sino que por no le dar paciones no manifiesto lo que ay que bastan las que en essa parte yo tengo que no se que remedio ha de aver pues si van exxecutores cobran de sus salarios 100 Rs que eran los que me avian de traer

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