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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1684. Carta de Domingo Lóriga y Andrade, capitán, para Pedro Andrés de Miranda, alférez.

Autor(es) Domingo Lóriga y Andrade      
Destinatário(s) Pedro Andrés de Miranda      
In English

Letter from Domingo Lóriga y Andrade, captain, to Pedro Andrés de Miranda, ensign.

The author requires Pedro Andrés de Miranda to forward a shipment of oil.

The lawsuit was brought in 1690 and involved Juan de Marcián, priest, and Domingo Antonio Lóriga, lawyer. Captain Domingo Lóriga y Andrade, the deceased father of Domingo Antonio Lóriga, had a debt of five doubloons with Antonio Seixas y Caamaño, priest rector of San Martín de Tabeayo (La Coruña), as demonstrated by a document signed by Domingo Lóriga y Andrade in 1678. Antonio Seixas y Caamaño and left orders that, once dead, that money should have been obtained from in a certain amount of masses made by different priests. One of these priests, Juan de Marcián, was the plaintiff, who denounced Domingo Antonio Lóriga because that did not accept the debt left by his father. In addition to the certificate already mentioned, four cards signed by Domingo Lóriga y Andrade were collected in the proceedings. The first one (PS6092) is provided by the applicant to demonstrate that Domingo Lóriga and Andrade had a debt to Antonio Seixas y Caamaño. The other three cards (PS6093, PS6094 and PS6095) were handed over by Pedro Andrés de Miranda, resident in La Coruña and friend of Domingo Lóriga y Andrade, to compare the signatures. In the process it was demonstrated that the four letters were written by Domingo Lóriga y Andrade, and that the signature was the same of the certificate. Therefore, Domingo Antonio Lóriga, as the legitimate son of Domingo Lóriga de Andrade, had to take over his father's debt.

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Amigo y sor mio quen non mente non ben de boa jente, los siete ducados q se estan debiendo pa ajustar los 15 de la sissa q vmd me hizo fabor abonar man se cobrassen de algo de essos q me pagan Renta de cassas y hasta aora no se pudieron cobrar, d ellos es uno d andres hor q me paga dies ducados de foro, mandarele apretar q los de qto antes y de ellos sobran tres ducados los qles si en tanto q el los da vmd me quiere hazer fabor de ymbiarmelos de azeyte lo estimaré mucho si ay por ay quien lo benda en jarras u si no tomandolo en qllos q ynbiaré las botijas pa el mandandome vmd horden q las ymbié esse Recivo se sirba vmd guardar pa qdo d Andrés diere los dies ducados q como digo le haré poner cuydado q los de luego, u si acasso vmd tubiere alga traba qta con el u algun

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