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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

[1566]. Billete de Guillén, correo de a pie, para su mujer Ana García, lavandera.

Autor(es) Guillén      
Destinatário(s) Ana García      
In English

Note from Guillén, a walking postman, to his wife Ana García, a laundress.

The author tells his wife that his health is good, but he is looking forward to seeing her. He also tries to raise her spirits telling her that who is accusing him is wrong, and that if she listened to him everything will end well. Eventually, he asks her for some tools.

In 1566, Guillén was accused of being a Lutheran, but he was eventually absolved. The accused, a Frenchman, tried to get this note to his wife while he was imprisoned, putting it in a shirt he was sending her to wash. Guillén was illiterate, so he had asked another inmate, García Hernández de Palomar, to write the note. However, the governor of the prison found the note and handed it over to the Inquisition tribunal.

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Senora muger

la presente es para hazeros saber como estoi bueno de salud loado sea nuestro señor con deseo de veros i deciros q no tengas pena de mi negocio q no es nada q aqllas personas q me aqosan no estubieron bien en llo q io dige por tanto digo q se hara en formación de como yo bibo no es para más

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