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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1601. Carta de Marcos da Trindade, ministro provincial da Sagrada Ordem da Penitência, para Filipe dos Mártires Álvares, frade.

Autor(es) Marcos da Trindade      
Destinatário(s) Filipe dos Mártires Álvares      
In English

Private letter from Marcos da Trindade, provincial minister of the Sagrada Ordem da Penitência, to Filipe dos Mártires Álvares, friar.

The author asks the recipient to take the stolen male to his master, and to get from him a signed document attesting that he received it back.

This case concerns Vicente Borges, charged with the unlawful exercise of ecclesiastical functions. The defendant was born in Lisbon and claimed to have been a friar in a convent in Coimbra. He was arrested and accused of various crimes, including sodomy, robbery and extorsion, assuming various false names. He was later condemned to go to Angola, with seven years in the galleys, and was considered suspect of heresy and apostasy.

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Page [20]r

O macho que o padre Vigro tomou ao ladrão que em habito de frade o levava furtado, mande V R logo dar ao portador Antonio Antunez q he seu E Pque me constou ser seu P a informacão q diso tive E tirei pessoalmente, lho mande V R dar E receba delle asinado como o recebe. E porq não he pa mais Ds guarde a V R 4 de Maio de 601

Fr marcos da trĩdade Mro Pal

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