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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

[1770-1772]. Carta de Madalena Tomásia de Jesus, mulher de um desembargador, para Bernardo da Silva do Amaral, padre.

Autor(es) Madalena Tomásia de Jesus      
Destinatário(s) Bernardo da Silva do Amaral      
In English

Love letter from Madalena Tomásia de Jesus,the wife of a judge, to Bernardo da Silva do Amaral, a priest.

The author tells the addressee how much she misses him and how she is counting the days until she is free.

Father Bernardo da Silva Amaral was a priest who lived in Pernambuco (Brazil), although he was born in Lisbon. He was arrested in Recife in 1772, when he was 46 years old, under the suspicion of having made heretic propositions and of abusing women ("solicitação"). Several women testified against him. They said he used to teach that neither kisses, hugs or caresses were sins, they were rather a way of serving God, so he kissed, hugged and caressed them. He was accused of going to bed with several of them, sometimes mother and daughter at the same time, and was also seen bathing with them. Most of the private letters used as exhibits against him were exchanged between this priest and the mother and daughter pair. The letters exchanged with the mother are partly in cipher, but the court could not force the defendant to explain how to decode them.

Deciphering for the Post Scriptum edition: Teresa Rebelo da Silva.

Code: o=a; 9=c; 8=d; +=e; R=f; ==g; /=h; -=i; 6=l; .=m; ..=n; ⁞=o; ::=p; …=q; x=r; 1=s; 2=t; 3=u; ǯ=v; 5=z

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 48r

Mto Rmo Pe M

A muitos dias q lhe dezejo escrever; porem enthé o prezte não o pude fazer, e sabe N Sr, se agora eu o podia; mais sempre quero fazer força, por lhe dar noticas minhas. Aqui estamos no degredo passado, Anhellando q se acabe, pa estar-mos mais forra: eu da ma parte o dezejo mto, ao menos, pa lhe escrever; pois isso me conçolla, quando o não posso ver, q a disgraça tanta, q sendo huma Pca forra, se veja captiva. dou a V R a notica q Recebe-mos por festas o milhor imbarasso, pa hir-mos pa o Recolhimto, e eu lhe confeso meo sr q inda q me custa qto não sei, ex-plicar, esta espera, estou mto conforme, pa esperar todo o tempo q Deos quizer, asim não desanimo, porq as minhas esperanças cresçem, de q agora o alcansarei mais breve, o q dezo Deos fasa o q quizer; pois tudo está na sua mão. Minha Mai vai passando, com pou-ca saude, e lhe emvia mtas lcas, e juntamte esses ananazes, e essas laranjas, como hum sinal da sua lca, a da não lhe escreve suponho, q por não dar azas, as suas preseguições. o q de prezte posso dizer, a v R o mais fica pa a vista. e no mais aDeos, meo Pe, bote-me a sua benção e Deos a v R Gde ms ans eta

De v Rmo Filha mto indigna e amate MThomazia J

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