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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

[1757]. Carta de Juan José Aranda, cura, para Manuela Palomino, criada.

Autor(es) Juan José Aranda      
Destinatário(s) Manuela Palomino      
In English

Letter from Juan José Aranda, a priest, to Manuela Palomino, a maid.

The author gives Manuela Palomino instructions to leave Mazarulleque (Cuenca) as soon as possible.

The defendant of this process was Juan José Aranda, the priest of Mazarulleque (Cuenca). In 1757, he was accused of heretical propositions and heretical actions by the Inquisition of Cuenca, because he claimed that the constant molestation to which he subjected Isabel Villar Abarca, his maid, was not a sin. Juan José Aranda had also maintained illicit relationships with other maids, as Ana María Gayán and Manuela Palomino. Actually, it had been the pregnancy of Manuela Palomino that had triggered the whole process, because the priest was suspected to be responsible for that. The inquisitors then ordered the imprisonment of Juan José Aranda and the seizure of his properties. All the letters he had in his house were confiscated and joined to the proceedings as a proof. Eventually, the defendant was forced to abjure de levi, and he was sentenced to two years of confinement in a convent and to three years of banishment, at a minimum distance of eight leagues from Chinchilla (Albacete), Mazarulleque (Cuenca), and Madrid.

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Page 76r > 76v

Manuela me alegrare estes buena ea. Yo estoi sin nobed. vista esta q te leera mi Primo Cortijo, digo Pardo ia pues Cortijo no ba pr ai zierra las digo los Cofres atranca la puerta del corral de la saleta y llabes de cofres puertas de sala y la del portal con el picaporte y la del Candado de Casa de la Camara del Curato todas Juntas dalas a mi Primo dn Julian Ya llebaselas por lo q digo despues q este me las traera y entregara, y tu Ya digo á Pardo Madruga ya antes q se Vaia mi Primo ó a un tiempo q te llebe secretamte Manuel á Paredes Casa del Mayordomo â qn le entregaras esa q remito en mi nombre donde estaras como una princesa, pues asi me lo tienen ya ofrezido hasta q yo Vaia â esa tierra q al punto ire a Verte y cree q no te faltara nada pues ya sabes lo q te tengo dicho pa despues y así aora en dha Casa donde te estaras hasta q yo vaia y asi manos a la obra pa q no te echen los Alcaldes y a Manuelillo encargale a nadie diga do estas Jamas

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