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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1757. Carta de José Pardo, cirujano, para Juan José Aranda, cura.

Autor(es) José Pardo      
Destinatário(s) Juan José Aranda      
In English

Letter from José Pardo, a surgeon, to Juan José Aranda, a priest.

The author informs Juan José Aranda that he is following his orders and advises him to trust only him and Manuela Palomino. He informs him also about the forthcoming marriage of Manuela Palomino, and he asks him not to stop protecting her.

The defendant of this process was Juan José Aranda, the priest of Mazarulleque (Cuenca). In 1757, he was accused of heretical propositions and heretical actions by the Inquisition of Cuenca, because he claimed that the constant molestation to which he subjected Isabel Villar Abarca, his maid, was not a sin. Juan José Aranda had also maintained illicit relationships with other maids, as Ana María Gayán and Manuela Palomino. Actually, it had been the pregnancy of Manuela Palomino that had triggered the whole process, because the priest was suspected to be responsible for that. The inquisitors then ordered the imprisonment of Juan José Aranda and the seizure of his properties. All the letters he had in his house were confiscated and joined to the proceedings as a proof. Eventually, the defendant was forced to abjure de levi, and he was sentenced to two years of confinement in a convent and to three years of banishment, at a minimum distance of eight leagues from Chinchilla (Albacete), Mazarulleque (Cuenca), and Madrid.

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Page 86r > 86v

Mazarulleque Y Marzo 25 de 1757

Mi Amo, Dueño, y señor, aier a cosa de las diez llego a esta Villa un Mozo que dijo ser Criado de su Parte Cortijo con quatro Cavallerias y una Carta dirijida por Vmd al Pe fr Alonso, y que en su Ausencia se la entregase a Dn franco Marz Garrote los que se hallavan Y hallan Ausentes de esta Villa, el Pe en su Comvto llamado por su Prior y el otro en huete, por Cuio motivo me dijo Manuela, la abriese Yo lo que execute por no detener al mozo, Y Visto mui por menor su Contenido, puse en practica qto por ella Vmd hordena, no del todo a Causa de hallarse en esa Ciud desde el Domingo Juan Joseph quien es tiene las llaves de la Cevada y esca-ña esta noche lo esperamos y se despachara del todo a dho Mozo.

Amigo esta manana ha determinado el Amo Juan Joseph dar la escaña y Zevada de esta tres fs y de escaña 9 fs digo de Avena

No se le olvide a Vmd el Papel de Polvora porque en huete no la ai.

No fiarse de nadie que Manuela Y io somos bastantes para sacar a Vmd airoso.

La tia Anica dize si quiere Vmd darle una fa de trigo se lo Ymbie a dezir a Juan Jph en mi carta

En qto a lo que Vmd dize de que dho Padre Vea si yo, Dn franco sacristan Y Amigos estan Constantes pa que el Avogado alegue, Digo que por mi Y Manuela no abra tropiezo pero por los demas no digo nada pues la carta que Vmd dize discurro que el

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