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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1772. Carta de Raimundo de Sobremonte, marqués de Sobremonte, para Rosa de la Puente.

Autor(es) Raimundo de Sobremonte      
Destinatário(s) Rosa de la Puente      
In English

Letter from Raimundo de Sobremonte, marquis of Sobremonte, to Rosa de la Puente.

The author informs Rosa de la Puente of the state of affairs after the litigation her son is facing due to his medical expenses. He expects orders from her before taking any decision.

In 1770 an action against Diego Hurtado de Mendoza was brought by the Hospital de San Juan de Dios on the grounds of lack of payment of some maravedis. Diego Hurtado became indebted with the aforementioned institution after staying there, together with a black slave, due to a venereal disease. The litigation includes not only the case files with the rejoinders and surrejoinders from the involved parties, but also a bundle of letters written between 1772 and 1773. After reading the letters and the medical reports, one can glimpse the health journey this young man from Lima went through. The proceedings continued in the Real Audiencia, where its president, Raimundo de Sobremonte, marquis of Sobremonte, assumed Diego´s care and managed his material and physical well-being. Diego moved to Arcos de la Frontera and to Cadiz, where slowly recovered in the care of Nicolás de Lanuza and the religious from a convent in Cadiz. Once he slightly recovered, he decided to go back to Lima, given that his mother had passed away and his inheritance and hacienda were being handled by his sister. The epistolary trace takes us to the previous moment before embarking to America, since the management of his departure is mentioned in the letters.

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Mui sra mia: con motivo de recurso qe se hizo a esta rl Auda y sala qe Presido en ella por el convto de sn Juo de Dios solicitando el Pago de lo qe havia gastado en la curazn y asistencia a dn Diego Hurtado de Mendoza hijo de VS por haverse combenido a ello dn Ygo de Aguirre de este comercio de la cantd que de orn de VS tenia en su poder vaxo de las qe la dio, y en vista asimismo de las instans de otros qe les prestaron cantidades llevados de sus persuasibas con la buena fee de ser pagados tubo pr indispensable la sala tomar Provida qe evitase maior perdizn de este mozo de tan onrrado Nacimto y dispuso qe a el referido dn Ygo se allanase a dar un 3 pr 100 de redito annual de la Cantd qe havia quedado en su poder o se pusiese con la segd correspte en qn se obligase a ello como asi se hizo pr no haverse allanado el referido dn Ygo y se le señalo para su manutenzn 6 rrs diars y qe se pagasen los creditos, y se le vistiese su desnudez encargandolo a persa por cuia mano corriere porqe no devian fiarse a la suia pa qe lo malgaste gastarlo despilfarradamte

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