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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1814. Carta no autógrafa de Rosa de Tovar y Piers, condesa viuda de Torrepilares, para Francisco Ramón Larios.

Autor(es) Rosa de Tovar y Piers      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Ramón Larios      
In English

Unsigned letter from Rosa de Tovar y Piers, the widowed Countess of Torrepilares, to Francisco Ramón Larios.

The author lets Francisco Ramón Larios know she agrees with the measures adopted in regards of the rents collection and the legal action before the Justice.

In 1825, the Count of Torrepilares´ tutors made a claim against Francisco Ramón Larios, the former administrator of the rents owned by them in Lebrija. Specifically, they claimed more than one hundred thousand reals due to the mismanagement and the deceptions incurred by the defendant, given that he hid information to his employers. It was not the first time Francisco Ramón Larios faced this kind of claim. His father´s notary´s office had also received a similar claim; and the processes pending before justice at the time had lead to a seizure of the Count´s widow and her heir´s properties. In regards of the current lawsuit, Francisco Ramón Larios did not refuse to pay the debt he had with the Count of Torrepilas, however, he argued that the amount he had to pay was less than the one he was being asked for. To this effect, he provided several documents to support his allegation, amongst which there are certain certificates, accounts of his expenses as an administrator and letters received from different senders. The Real Audiencia, having into account all this information, updated the sum of money that Francisco Ramón Larios had to pay and condemned the Count to bear the litigation costs.

This letter has an annotation from a different handwriting in the upper margin of folio 379r: "Answered on October the 28th 1814".

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Page 379r > 379v

Sr dn Franco R Larios Muy Sr mio

La de U del 22 del proximo pasado me deja instruida de las trapisondas de esos Lebrijanos quedando muy Satisfecha al paso qe agradecida a su efi-cacia y direccion en el asunto y qe continuara execu-tando a dhos sres Segun U me propone para qe tocandoles de Cerca, se resuelvan a pagar ellos: Sobre Su recurso al Rey no tengo el mayor Cuidado estando Como esta fundado el asunto en justa y Ser un menor el agraviado no obstante en este Correo escribo a mi Apoderado para qe este con mi Abogado y esten preparados: y U podra Si llegare ese Caso, darle parte en derechura de la apelacion dando-le una instruccion de el asunto para su govno

Me alegro de la buena Salud y qe continue con eficacia como hast aqui quedandole spre muy agradecida y deseando que ese

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