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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1786. Carta não autógrafa de Rosa Maria para o seu marido, Luís António Viana, marinho.

Autor(es) Rosa Maria      
Destinatário(s) Luís António Viana      
In English

Requests letter dictated by Rosa Maria, a working woman, to her husband, a sailor.

The author asks her husband to come back to Viana from Brazil because their daughter needs her father to look after her. She tells him the local news, which involve lots of obituaries. She herself and their daughter almost died from malaria. Their son died from smallpox. She tells him that if he comes back, there is someone who will lend him a boat for him to work.

Luís António Viana was already living in Brazil for thirteen years and married to Ana Francisca when his first wife sent him two letters from his local town in Portugal, Viana do Castelo. The letters carrier gave them to the wrong man, an Inquisition collaborator ("familiar") with the same name. When he was denounced, the defendant was not to be found since he was whaling at sea.

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Meu Luis Aqui te remeto estas duas Lemitadas Rereguas estimarei qe te ache acompanhado daqueLa perfeitisima saude como o meu afeto te dezeja acompanhado daqueLa favorável ventura qe o teu gosto mais deezeja qe a ma o perzente he boma em companhaia da nosa filha Roza etc

Meu Luis pesote peLo amor de ds e peLas sinco chagas de jezus chirto qe venhas pa vianna pois ja he tenpo a treze annos qe por La andas ja he tempo de vires pois tens huma filha qe esta ja do meu tamanho e he tenpo de fazeres conta deLa e Nos estamos tarvalhando de note a mais de dia estamos pasando estreitas Nesidades e te peso qe venha pa tumares conta da tua filha pos eu estive e mais tua filha acarmentadas con a grande maLina e considrando eu qe se moRese qe ficava a ma filha desemparada e asim te peso peLo amor de ds e peLas dores de maria santisima qe Nos venhas emparar com a tua vista a mim me custa mto a trazeLa como a targoa qe des qe tu daqui fostes senper folgei dde a tarzer Limpa e asiada comforme as mas poses porqe ven saves qe custa mto a Levar a vida as Novidades desta teRa he qe moReo o Noso

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