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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1831. Carta de Susana Maria, proprietária, para Luís José de Almeida Saraiva, Juiz de Fora.

Autor(es) Susana Maria      
Destinatário(s) Luís José de Almeida Saraiva      
In English

Private letter from Susana Maria, a farm owner, to Luís José de Almeida Saraiva, lower court judge.

Pedro Marques Madeira, worker in Arronches, was condemned for several robberies in Alentejo. One of the witnesses that should go to the Court of Arronches to declare her testimoty about these acts was Susana Maria, the widow of a farmer. However, she alleged she was too old and too ill to go there, and she chose to write a letter instead.

Basteira. 4th november 1831.

Mr. Court Judge.

I hope you are in good health, surrounded by a lot of fortune and for many, many years.

This letter is to inform you that, today, I was notified through a warrant by the court judge of Arronches to come and meet you, along with my servant. And I'm unable to go there, due to my illness and my 60 years of age, for I suffer from hydropsy, and since these troubles occured to me and my husband, may God keep his soul, I never enjoyed good health again.

In what concerns the criminals and bandits who came into this house, I didn't recognize any of them because the first strangers to come in picked up the light right away and they forced me to keep my face covered, tied up facing a wall, with one of them watching me all the time, with a gun in his hands, advising me not to turn or look. About the bandits, I've been paying attention to some signs to see if I discover something, but I haven't been very lucky. If I ever figure out something, I'll tell you by letter, because I can't go there personaly. Whoever has ruined my husband, has ruined me too.

I really appreciate all your readiness with the bandits who came into my house to do such insolence to my husband, may God keep his soul.

And the notified servant is the bearer of this letter.

I won't bother you no longer.

Your great venerator and much obliged,

Susana Maria

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Bastra 4 de 9bro de 1831 Sr Dor Juiz de Fora

Estimarei q VaSa goze da mais feliz Saude, aCompanhada de mtas Venturas e por mtos dilatados annos. Sr esta serve de partecipar a VaSa q no dia de hoje fui noteficada pr mandado do Sr Juiz de fora de Arronches, pa hir á prezença de VaSa eu, e o meu Criado, e pr eu não poder ir pr Cauza da ma molestia, e ser ja de 60 annos, e mto achacada de Idrepozia, e depois q me aSucederão estes trabalhos, e ao meu Homem q Ds haja; nunca mais gozei Saude, a Respeito dos malfeitores e Saltiadores q Vierão a Esta Caza eu não Conheci niguem prq os primros q entrarão desconhecidos Sigurarão logo a luz. e me fizerão estar Com a Cara tapada, amarrada a huma parede e hum Sempre de guarda Com huma pistola na mão. Recomendando-me q não me Virace, ou oulhace, a Respeito dos Saltiadores tenho tirado Alguns imdicios pa Ver Se Sei de Algumas luzes, porem não tenho podido Alcançar, pois se eu Algum dia Alcançar Alguma logo parteciparei a Va Sa pr Carta, prq peçoalmte não sou capaz de me por a Caminho, qm desgraciou o meu Homem desgraciou a mim tambem, e agradeco mto a VaSa a mta deligencia que tem feito pelos malfeitores q Vierão a esta Caza fazer tanta incolencia ao meu Homem que Ds haja, e o Criado notificado he o portador desta. não emfado mais a VaSa

esta Sua Venedra e mto Obrigda Suzana Maria



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