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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1799. Carta de Juan Ximénez Llamas, presbítero de la villa de Belmonte, para Juan Manuel de Alcantud, franciscano descalzo.

Autor(es) Juan Ximénez Llamas      
Destinatário(s) Juan Manuel de Alcantud      
In English

Letter from Juan Ximénez Llamas, a presbyter of Belmonte, to Juan Manuel de Alcantud, a barefoot Franciscan.

The author writes to Juan Manuel de Alcantud to tell him that «N» (the person he does not want to mention) is fasting, although they are not sure if that is God´s will. Ximénez also informs Alcantud of «N’s» intention to write him, despite the fact she could not do it for a long time.

Following an accusation for «alumbrados» against María Isabel Herráiz, the Blessed of Villar del Águila, a trial took place between 1802 and 1808. The trial broadened to include many other people accused of being complicit in her delusions. Maria Isabel Herráiz believed that Jesus Christ was within her and, as a result, she would not take communion. Some of the other accused stated that they could see Jesus as a child appearing on her chest. When she renounced the faith she admitted her mistakes. All the signs, visions and revelations she had received as true and given by God, were the work of an evil spirit. She also blamed this evil spirit for tricking her into believing that the Lord had materialized in her body in order to accomplish an overall reformation and to establish a new apostleship. She declared she had to die in Rome and ascend into heaven three days afterwards, and these facts were announced in the Apocalypse and other sacred books. Maria Isabel Herráiz also argued that the Devil was to blame for all these thoughts, since her imagination had been transformed and warmed by him. She admitted that her accomplices were looked for and incited by her. In her statement, she argued that she did not make a pact with the Devil, but she was possessed by him. Furthermore, she admitted to allowing worship of herself, although she insisted it was all a diabolical artifice. According to her, she was blameless regarding the uproar in the village. Apparently there were disturbances among her followers, the «endiablados». On the upper margin of folio 21r there is an annotation that reads: "From the priest Llamas to Alcantud" and "April the 9th 99". Besides, on folio [19a]r, which is the superscript, it reads "1799" and there are rests of the wax seal.

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A F Juan Manuel de Alcantud Dios gue ms as Lector de Sagrada theologia en el Convento de PP Fran ciscos Descalzos de la Ciudad de Cuenca Cuenca 4 Ave Maria Purissima

Mi mas estimado en JC, y amado P Lector: en el correo anterior escrivi a Vm lo que ocurria con N., y aora me ha dicho que me ponga a escrivir, y no quiere el Sr que me la dicte, ni yo puedo escrivir las cosas tan extraordinarias, que estos Dias me han passado delante de Francisco, y lo mismo a el, y nada mas puedo es-crivir que venga Vm que venga Vm que venga Vm, pues esta es la voluntad del Sr clara, y manifiesta; si Vm no- se determina escribir al Provincial, digamelo Vm sin perdida de correo, que yo a vista de esto no puedo sufrir al Sr con tantas ansias, y lo hare desde aqui para que se lo mande a Vm; pues si Vm viera al Sr en esta criatura obrar, y lo que ha passado- mientras pongo esta, echaria Vm a correr dexando a su cuenta todo lo demas. A essos Sres exps; aunque Vm les diga que ha de venir no les diga Vm cosa qe les pueda mover a venir, porque no quiere el Sr valerse de esso ;que alli tiene que obrar, pero de otros medios se valdra, esto es dictado del mismo Sr No tenga Vm temor, y si mucha confianza, qe es una obra superior a quanto se puede pensar; por sola su bondad la ha principiado, y por sola ella la ha de acabar, y con esto no puedo escrivir mas. Si N. no acaba la suya, no le dexa el Sr escrivir mas

Oy Martes 9 de Abril de 99. De Vm en JC mi Sr Juan



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