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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1787. Carta anónima para Pedro Alcántara López de Zúñiga, conde de Miranda.

Autor(es) Anónimo346      
Destinatário(s) Pedro Alcántara López de Zúñiga      
In English

Anonymous letter to Pedro Alcántara López de Zúñiga, count of Miranda.

The anonymous author complains for the excesses of those who rule the lands of his lordship. He focuses in two particular issues: the economic theft and the excesses in their private lives.

In 1789 the reeve from Ponferrada proceeded against Joaquín Rubio, the mayor of La Bañeza; Antonio del Castillo and Antonio María Ramón de Linacero. The first measure was to take them out of La Bañeza and keep them under surveillance in Ponferrada and León. The reason was the popular discontent in La Bañeza, which had provoked many complains by anonymous senders to the jurisdictional lord, the count of Miranda. The letters denounced the excesses the neighbours had gone through. Once the investigation began, it was found out that their reasons to denounce it were true, specially Antonio del Castillo´s brutality. So, it was verified that Antonio del Castillo had too much influence on Joaquín Rubio, to such an extent that the latter had no power on the former, even though Joaquín Rubio was a higher authority. The general opinion was that Joaquín Rubio was not a bad ruler, but he was subjugated and that made them vulnerable to Castillo´s blunders. The list of accusations was not short. He had imprisoned the masons who were building a fish monger; he had cut the ears of those pigs that were not taken to the fields; he had ordered indiscriminate logging and he had overly increased the price of the coal. Besides, Castillo´s record was not very clean: he was accused of riotous and had been banished from the villages of Coca and Benavente. Likewise, he had disagreements with Antonio María Ramón de Linacero and with the mayors from the surrounding villages. But there were not only these men who had this kind of behaviour, also their wives incurred in futile amusements and murmuring. The defendants were questioned and denied all the accusations, stating they ignored the reeve´s reasons to act that way. Once the proceeding was initiated, the count of Miranda was asked to elect a new reeve to bring the peace back to the village. Regarding the three defendants: Antonio del Castillo was banished from the village and he was prohibited of carrying out further governmental or economic work; Linacero was also banished and disabled, but only from Bañeza; Joaquín Rubio had to leave the village, although he could keep being a mayor in any other place. Finally, they had to pay the expenses of the trial.

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Exmo señor

Una persona afecta a V E que por razon de su ministerio Pastoral no puede ni debe mirar con indiferencia los robos y ultrajes que empiezan a sufrir los vasallos de V E de esta jurisdon de Palacios, con el gobierno del nuebo Sr Alcde mayor y su lacarillo o criado Dn Rafael Gomez Pozo; Pues es digno de que sepa V E que intentan uno y otro hacerse mui ricos a costa de los pobres, diganlo unos de Tabuyo y otros de Boisan que les han quitado en unas causas los quartos con el mayor desuello. A un pobre aceitero por una patarata le multo y puso preso. A la tabernera ya la ha multado dos vezes. Al pobre cirujano de la villa le tira por favorecer a otro que a de acabar con el. El otro dia alboroto una cofradia que se junto para presentar una capellania y parece que quiere se le de por fuerza a un ciruelo y dejar a los vecinos que tienen hijos en blanco. Dias pasados tubo un fandango en la casa de V E y tubo a las hijas de salgado a la familia de Castañon, y a la de D Antonio Mario, y duro asta mui tarde, es mui amigo del Sr Castañon y se tratan. A los forasteros dicen y se quejan que los despacha tarde y que duerme mucho. Los montes de V E es mui regular queden bien limpios pues en poco tiempo ya ha ido dos veces por leña, y dicen que buenos montes tienen para quemar. La señora dicen es tan loca y celosa como la del Sr Montoya, el otro dia se digeron por la Villa mil cuentos con ella el Marido, y la criada. tanto tenia que decir, y tantas cosas se ben y se dicen ya por la villa y jurisdiccion que esto no ha de parar en bien, y no han de faltar a V E quejas y cartazos del Sr Mola y su escribano D Rafael, a tiempo estamos que al principio se hazen los panes tuertos. S E informese, y contenerles. al Señor quando llegaron a sus oidos estas quejas en tiempo del Sr Rubio correjidor de la Bañeza valia mas su desinteres, y afabilidad que todo, por eso lo llora y llorara la Jurison hecandole menos de cada dia, o si bolbiera y marchara este petate con mas fachenda y soberbia que otra cosa. Basta sr de acusacion y he cumplido con Dios, y mi conciencia Dios le gue a V E ms as Palacios y Nobiembre 15 de 87

Sor Conde de Miranda



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