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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1823. Cópia de carta de Inácio José Brilhante, marchante, para seu irmão Francisco Brilhante, marchante.

Autor(es) Inácio José Brilhante      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Brilhante      
In English

Familiar letter from Inácio José Brilhante, a marchant, to his brother Francisco Brilhante, also a marchant.

The author explains to his brother how he has decided regarding some renting of their property.

Inácio José Brilhante accused his younger brothers João Brilhante and Francisco Brilhante of stealing, in the night of April 14 1823, 41 head of cattle, 256 bovine skins, 191 sheep skins and 1,280 pounds («40 arrobas») of wool. The accused argued that the cattle was theirs and that Inácio José had only managing functions. He argued back, saying that he was the curator of the younger siblings. The letters that we find in the court's proceedings were used as proof both by the accusation and the defense. The accusation said that they were written at the time when all three were still friends, so they proved nothing. The defense found in them the proof that Inácio Brilhante was only a manager.

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