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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1760-1770]. Carta de Gertrudes Maria da Conceição para Francisco Pedro Vital.

Autor(es) Gertrudes Maria da Conceição      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Pedro Vital      
In English

Love letter from Gertrudes Maria da Conceição to Francisco Pedro Vital.

The author gives her fiancé some instructions about their next meeting in Lisbon.

The young Gertrudes Maria da Conceição, resident in Lisbon, got engaged to Francisco Pedro Vital, a soldier within the Prince's regiment. Later on, she wanted to become engaged to another youth, Epifânio José Barbosa, caulker. Francisco, however, legally tried to make her marry him, presenting as proof of their connection the love letters previously exchanged between them. Conversely, Epifânio decided that he no longer wanted to marry her, since she was committed to someone else. This legal process dragged on for 3 years and the court papers include the love letters that Gertrudes wrote to her first fiancé.

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