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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1620-1623]. Carta de Isabel de Caparroso, criada, para Francisco García Calderón, fraile y prior.

Autor(es) Isabel de Caparroso      
Destinatário(s) Francisco García Calderón      
In English

Letter from Isabel de Caparroso, the servant of Jerónimo de Villanueva, the counselor of the Crown of Aragon, to her confessor, fray Francisco García Calderón.

The author tells the addressee some news involving the nuns of the San Plácido convent.

Isabel de Caparroso was prosecuted in 1645 by the Toledo Inquisition for alumbrismo. She was the presumed accomplice of her confessor, fray Francisco García Calderón, the prior of the convent of Encarnación Benita de San Plácido of Madrid. When the addressee was living in Seville, he confided his letters to two sisters, Tomasina and Ana María de León y Ayala, who handed them to the Inquisition when he was accused of alumbrismo and solicitation in confession since it was believed that 25 nuns of his convent were collectively possessed by the devil.

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