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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1650. Carta de Juan Carpio Lozano, zapatero, para su esposa Ana Gómez.

Autor(es) Juan Carpio Lozano      
Destinatario(s) Ana Gómez      
In English

Letter from Juan Carpio Lozano, a shoemaker, to Ana Gómez.

Juan Carpio Lozano asks Ana Gómez to go to visit the secretary Díez Sainz to see if he has been forgiven a crime committed years earlier.

The defendant of this process was Juan Carpio Lozano, a shoemaker. He was accused of the crime of bigamy for having married twice: firstly, with Ana Gómez in Toledo and then, in 1647, with María Rodríguez, widow of Francisco Ramiro Luengo, in Madrid. The letters sent by the defendant to his friend Juan de Palomares, a prisoner, and to his first wife, were joined to the proceedings as proofs. Eventually, however, the trial was suspended, because María Rodríguez retracted her declarations and affirmed that, although they had lived together, she was not actually married to Juan Carpio Lozano.

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