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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1728]. Billete anónimo para Martín Navarro de la Casa, vicario y presbítero confesor.

Autor(es) Anónimo301      
Destinatário(s) Martín Navarro de la Casa      
In English

Anonymous note sent to Martín Navarro de la Casa, a vicar and confessor.

The author threatens Martín Navarro de la Casa, and presses him to go away from Madrigueras (Albacete) if he cares for his life.

In 1727, Martín Navarro de la Casa, a vicar and confessor in Madrigueras (Albacete), was accused of seducing women during their confessions. He was eventually reprimanded. He declared that this threatening note appeared in his room after that he had had 'incidents' with three women of the town. He suspected that the author or authors of the note could be some parishioners who did not like him for various reasons: for having impeded the ordainment of a parishioner, Alonso Torrijos; for hot having repaid some debts; and for having impeded a parishioner to do the job which had been done by his father.

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