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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1825]. Carta de Narciso Manuel Antunes, oficial superior dos Contrabandos, para António, padre.

Autor(es) Narciso Manuel Antunes      
Destinatário(s) António      
In English

Threatening letter written by Narciso Manuel Antunes, a customs officer, to a priest, father António.

The author insists on trying to force the addressee to include him on satanic rites.

Narciso Manuel Antunes and Maria Joaquina were accused of spanking a priest, father António. Narciso Manuel believed that the priest had supernatural powers and asked him to be included in one of his contacts. Since the priest refused to do that, Narciso Manuel, with the help of a soldier, spanked him. He was later condemned to 3 years of exile in Cape Verde.

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