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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1646. Carta de informação de Manuel Machado Coelho para um membro da Inquisição de Lisboa.

Autor(es) Manuel Machado Coelho      
Destinatário(s) Anónimo107      
In English

Information letter from Manuel Machado Coelho to a non identified member of the Inquisition of Coimbra.

The author reports what he has learned about Sebastião Nunes when he asked who he was in Aldeia Galega. He learned that his wife lives in the village and that he himself is a bovine cattle tender.

Sebastião Nunes, a cowboy, was accused of marrying twice, once in Chamusca and a second time in Aldeia Galega. He was condemned by the Lisbon Inquisition to six years in the galleys.

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