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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1683]. Carta de Catarina de Bos e Ana de Bos para um destinatário não identificado, deputado do Santo Ofício.

Autor(es) Ana de Bos       Catarina de Bos
Destinatário(s) Anónimo519      
In English

Denunciation letter from Ana de Bos and Catarina de Bos to a non identified Deputy of the Holy Office.

The authors denounce the wife of a servant in their father's house.

Ana de Bos and Catarina de Bos were the daughters of the surgeon António Ferreira and the nieces of a priest. They wrote to the Inquisition to complain about Joana Roldoa, a servant in their parents' house, whom they accused of witchcraft and divinations. When she was arrested, the suspect said that her mistress, Marta de Bos, wanted her son to become a priest so that he would remain unmarried and she would become the only mistress in the house in the event of her husband's death.

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