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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1624]. Carta de António Bocarro para Miguel Francês e Pedro Francês.

Autor(es) António Bocarro      
Destinatário(s) Miguel Francês       Pedro Francês
In English

Family letter from António Bocarro to Miguel Francês and Pedro Francês.

The author complains to his uncles about the way they started to treat him since he moved to India, accusing them of not supporting him or his sisters, and threatening to cut off relations with them.

The defendant in this process is Miguel Francês, arrested for Judaism on February 9, 1626. It was delivered to the Inquisition by the defendant on February 12, 1629, according to the note on the top right of it. This is a 2nd copy. In the process of Grácia de Sarzedo (IL10098), sister of Miguel Francês and Pedro Francês, there is a 3rd copy, which was in the possession of Pedro Francês, dated December 16, 1624, (hence the conjecture on the date of this letter, with a similar content and the same date, but where the year is illegible).

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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