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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1689. Carta de autor não identificado para destinatário não identificado.

Autor(es) Anónimo503      
Destinatário(s) Anónimo504      
In English

Family letter from Francisco Cardoso de Oliveira, cleric, to his brother João de Oliveira, cleric.


The defendant in this process is the cleric João de Oliveira arrested by the Inquisition in October 7, 1622. His parents, Tomás Rodrigues and Violante de Oliveira, New-Christians, had been arrested and released before. This time Tomás Rodrigues was arrested again, however, under the accusation of intending to flee the country. Two of his sons were not arrested, since they were abroad at the time, but all the other family members went to prison: his wife, his daughter, who was a nun, and another three sons, among which João de Oliveira. Only his daughter and one of the sons survived, all the others died in prison. Some of the letters in the process have been handed over to the Inquisition by one of the recipents, and others were found in the pockets of the defendant, when we was arrested.

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