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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1600-1688]. Copia de carta de Andrés Pasano, capellán de los Reyes Nuevos de Toledo, para sor Mariana de San Luis (Luisa), religiosa.

Autor(es) Andrés Pasano      
Destinatário(s) Mariana de San Luis      
In English

Letter from Andrés Pasano, priest of the Reyes Nuevos church in Toledo, to sister Mariana de San Luis (Luisa), nun.

The author offers advice on how to conduct a religious life to a nun named Luisa.

The accused in this process was Andrés Pasano, priest of the Reyes Nuevos church in Toledo and consultant of the Inquisition Tribunal. The process was started after his death, in 1688, and ended in 1689. He was suspected of being an «Alumbrado» and of the crime of solicitation («crimen solicitationis»). Eventually, he was suspended. The Tribunal considered that he had committed immodest acts and that he had taught wrong doctrines to his parishioners, who were nuns of a Benedictine convent and secular people. The proceedings include interrogations made by the Inquisition Tribunal to various parishioners. The interrogations made to the Benedictine nuns are particularly interesting, because they often go with a written text in which the nuns confessed all the immodest acts she had been forced to do by Andrés Pasano. Moreover, two of the nuns had been ill for a period and could not confess in person with the priest, so he encouraged them to send him written confessions, to which he would respond with written messages, too.

The proceedings include six letters (PS6064 a PS6069) which are the answers written by Andrés Pasano to these two nuns: the first four to Isabel María de San José and the last two to Josefa de Francisco. Finally, the proceedings include also a copy of a letter originally written by the accused for a nun of a convent of the city of Baeza (Jaén). The copy of the letter (PS6070) had circulated among the nuns, and was handed over by Isabel María de San José. We do not know wo did the copy, but we can deduce that it was done by a nun from an annotation made at the end of the letter: «This text is taken from a letter sent by the deceased to a nun from Toledo, and it has been translated by some of us. I sent it to you to read it and to see which doctrine it expresses».

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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Muchos dias a Luisa que me debe vmd deseos

y cuidados de su mayor aprobechamiento y sien
pre pedire que vmd continue aquella dichosa
berdad por donde se inclino tanto su corazon de
vmd a yr a Dios desnuda de si mesma pues aun
que vmd debio a su dibina majestad estos de
seos desde niña los bio aumentados en vmd aqui
en toledo con mucho consuelo mio y aora le ten
go de que vmd este en ese Santo conbento de
quien tengo muchas noticias desde que el
cardenal mi Señor estubo en esa billa.
en fin luisa como esta bida no es de quietud
no ay que estrañar que todo sea geRa ni nos debe
azer nobedad no allar satisfazion y descanso
lo que debemos sentir es no bivir en ella muri
endonos a sus cosas, pero si nos morimos a noso
tros mismos a todas las demas cosas estaremos
muertos. para ir por este camino de berdad
no hemos de tener ser nuestro en nada ni ex
terior ni ynterior y aunque esto se dize mal
por escrito me a parecido ablar con vmd de
algunos principios porque Dentro del ejer
çizio d ellas se ba descubriendo esta berdad y
confieso a vmd luisa que me benzo en azerlo
porque puede ser que llegue a otras ojas este pa
pel y no me acomodo a que con distintos enten

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