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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1773. Carta de Domingo de Santa Marina Noguerol, escribano, para [Juan Manuel Araújo Somoza], escribano.

Autor(es) Domingo de Santa Marina Noguerol      
Destinatário(s) Juan Manuel Araújo Somoza      
In English

Letter from Domingo de Santa Marina Noguerol, a law oficial, to Juan Manuel Araújo Somoza, a law official.

The author requests Juan Manuel Araújo Somoza to send him certain amount of money from bread and suggests him to buy his position as a law official.

The plaintiff of this litigation from 1777 was Juan Manuel Araújo Somoza, a public notary official native to Chantada (Lugo), against Domingo de Santa Marina Noguerol, also a law official. The litigation was issued regarding compliance of an instrument on obligation. Juan Manuel Araújo Somoza accepted the position as a law official in the jurisdiction of Camba y Roseiro (Pontevedra) when his uncle, José Araújo, renounced it. Juan Manuel Araújo Somoza worked at the said position between 1766 and 1773. In 1773, the plaintiff and the respondent signed an instrument on obligation whereby Juan Manuel Araújo Somoza handed the position as a law official to Domingo de Santa Marina Noguerol and the latter committed to pay the former a pension of one hundred ducats per year. The litigation started because Domingo de Santa Marina delayed in the payments since the very first day he took office, in August the 22nd 1774. There are four letters attached to the process documentation: the three first letters (PS6108, PS6109 y PS6110) were presented by the respondent in order to prove that Juan Manuel Araújo Somoza was aware of the abusive character of the instrument on obligation. He argued he had been fooled and he had been notified about the news referred to in the letters after having accepted the position and having spent a lot of money. Besides, he also argues no one informed him of the low income he would have from the position. The fourth letter (PS6111) was presented by the plaintiff in order to prove that Domingo de Santa Marina Noguerol was fully aware of the conditions of the instrument on obligation, therefore, he never had any intention on fooling him.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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Muy sr mio y Amigo. en vista de las que me remite digo qe

sim perdida de tiempo remita vmd el importe de los 12 ferroz
de pan al Padre Prior de Coiras por conducta segura, que
saque el recibo, y lo traiga que despues escribire a mi
Compe, y a santiago lo que sea razonable, bibiendo seguro
de que interin no abera noved; doi a vmd las gracias por
los quesos que se gastaràn mañana. memas de todos, y a Ds
qe gde a vmd m a Marin y Junio 28 de 1773


Mi sra Da Thomasa remite un par de medias encabe-

zadas, por no haber podido trabajar mas a causa de
aber estado ocupada con las de dn Manuel Berndo,
pero mientras vmd usa de las qe ban, darà mas echas
pues tiene tanto cuidado de ellas como vmd mesmo,
memas âsta pasado mañana qe ira a ber a vmd en

B L M de Vmd
Su mas afecto Am, y seguro servir
Dom de sta Marina

vea vmd la bu-


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