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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1510-1512]. Carta de Álvaro Vaz de Fonseca, escribano y consejero, para su hermano.

Autor(es) Álvaro Vaz de Fonseca      
Destinatário(s) Anónimo267      
In English

Letter from Álvaro Vaz de Fonseca, a law oficial and an adviser, to his brother.

The author clarifies to his brother certain issues.

This letter was found in the collection Coleção de Cartas (within Cartas Missivas and Other Documents) which collects, in 4 packs, loose documents of uncertain or incomplete date. The contextualization of each letter is done by using information from the letter itself.

Apparently Álvaro Vaz de Fonseca was a law official from a factory at Cochín (India). He was side by side with Duarte Pacheco Pereira during the valiant defence of this fortress against the forces of Zamorín de Calicut (India). In 1506 he is a factor in Flanders. Just after the Portuguese victory of 1510 in Diu (Subrahmanyam, 1997:257), having reneged on the Portuguese crown, he appears as an adviser to the Sultan of Cairo (Egypt) during an audience with the ambassadors of Gujarat. In a letter from 1512 written in Rhodes and addressed to the King Manuel I of Portugal, Fray André do Amaral, chancellor in chief and commander of the Order of Hospital, describes the relevant role played by Álvaro Vaz de Fonseca in the preparation of a new Mamluk army formed to counter the Portuguese rule in the Indian Ocean (Corpo Cronológico, parte I, maço 11, doc. 47). This letter is addressed to a “brother” about whom no information has been obtained. On the basis of the biographical details aforementioned it can be surmised that this letter was written from Cairo between 1510 and 1512.

Reference Bibliography:

Sanjay Subrahmanyam

The career and legend of Vasco da Gama


Cambridge University Press


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Sor hermano por estar oje en casa del xeque no he

cumplido la carta. manaña con la ayuda de dyos
sera hecha. del d antonyo yo os
pormeto y doy my fee q nunca en ello se
haga nynguna cosa por my consentymyento
ny nunca en ello le hablare. y sy quisiere
estar comigo bien lo puede hazer sin reçelo
nynguno. y si alla con vtamcd tan byen pro
veydoveydo sera en una parte como en otra
y quando sera el tyenpo d andarse le mos
trare como no perdio nyngun tienpo antes
q gano mas q se sirviyer a nyngun sor de
portugal veynte años. de las ropas q
os han dicho tengo enpeñadas en banco
no os han dicho vdad. q todo quedo como cuple
y en poder de quyen lo goardara muy bien
como cosa serya. no otro syno q m encomyendo
diez mil vezes en mcd de miçer agustiño sal
vago byen la vta cada momyento

ho svidor alvo vaaz de fonseca

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