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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1712. Carta de Francisco de Arréguiz para Jaime Valle.

Autor(es) Francisco de Arréguiz      
Destinatário(s) Jaime Valle      
In English

Letter from Francisco Arréguiz to Jaime Valle.

The author sends four 'gemitus' to Jaime Valle for him to distribute them among his friends.

Following an accusation of moral crime this process against Jaime Valle dates from 1712. Inside the documentation of the process there were four letters in separate papers, three of them in Catalan and one in Spanish. The latter is transcribed in here.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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Señor mio. Haviendo por mera tibieza

suspendido escrivir â Vmd me hallo
al presente con la fortuna de ser el electo
para su execucion en nombre de mi sr
el Arzobispo y toda la familia manifes-
tandole la gratitud de todos en recono-
cimto de la bondad y obligacion en q Vmd
nos constituyo; en cuya recompesa dessea-
mos nos emplee, excediendonos su Illma
en todo.


Remito â Vmd quatro Gemitus para q

los distribuya entre los Amigos, q gus-
tare, y si Vmd reconociere ser la Fa-
milia de algun provecho, no gastara
ceremonias en dispensar ordenes de
su agrado, porq todos desseamos exer-
citar el affecto que le proffessamos

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