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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1808. Carta de Manuel Antonio Fraile Serrano, escribano, para don Pedro de Valdecañas, procurador.

Autor(es) Manuel Antonio Fraile Serrano      
Destinatário(s) Pedro de Valdecañas      
In English

Letter from Manuel Antonio Fraile Serrano, a scrivener, to Pedro de Valdecañas, a solicitor.

The author informs an agent of the Chancellery of Valladolid, Pedro de Valdecañas, of the disappearance of certain cattle.

Following an accusation of abuses executed on Manuel Antonio Fraile Serrano, a resident of Alcañices (Zamora), a litigation occurred in 1808 between the latter and Gerónimo Gago, a councillor of the same village. The case began as a result of the enlistment of soldiers in Alcañices to fight against the French troops. At this point, the rumour spread that Portugal was going to revolt against Spain and, as soon as the young men left to Zamora, the Portuguese would take advantage and plunder the village. Subsequently, it was proved that Gerónimo Gago spread this false rumour to prevent his sons and nephews from enlisting. Gerónimo Gago blamed Manuel Antonio Fraile Serrano for revealing the rumour was false and gathered a crowd from the village —the enlisted and their families— in order to attack him. Manuel Antonio Fraile Serrano and his family were assaulted and his property was badly damaged. The damages included the theft of great part of his livestock and he was suspended of the exercise of his clerkship. Two letters were found in the case documentation (PS6230 and PS6231) in which the plaintiff complains about these abuses to an agent of the Chancellery of Valladolid.

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Page 11r

Alcan y Sepre 6 de 1808

Paisano, y mi Dueño. Hoy esperaba qe

vm me hubiese embiado la Provn ó escrito, pero pre
sumo que estará ese, como todos los demas tribuna-
les, siendo esto la causa de tantos males como padeze-
mos; por la adjunta certificazn notara lo que me
haze padezer mi enemigo, a quien juzgo autor de un
echo tan escandaloso, y presumo no sea solo, porq me
faltan tres yeguas de vientre Preñadas del contrario,
una Potra, y un macho lechuzo, que balián mas
de mil ducados, y creo que o me las han muerto
ò robado; efectos de la conjurasn y ningun castigo,
La mula que me mataron era el mas hermoso
animal que è bisto, balià cien doblones. si no se
le impone algun temor no parara en ello solo. que
da de vm como spre su afmo sego servor q s m B

Manl Antto Frayle
sr dn Pedro valdecañas

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