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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1765]. Carta de Antonio Isidoro Valdeón, rector del Colegio de la Compañía de Jesús de Cuenca, para José González Grande.

Autor(es) Antonio Isidoro Valdeón      
Destinatário(s) José González Grande      
In English

Letter from Antonio Isidoro Valdeón, a rector of the Compañía de Jesus School in Cuenca, to José González Grande.

The author answers a letter from José González Grande, rejoicing as he eases his conscience. He tells José González Grande he has taken the necessary measures and he lets him know he must look for another confessor.

A trial for solicitation against the priest Antonio Isidoro Valdeón occurred between 1756 and 1770, however, it was not followed up. Antonio Isidoro Valdeón was the rector of the Compañía de Jesus School in Cuenca. In October 1764, José González Grande was ill at the school’s seminary and the defendant went to administer confession. Then, «he took the liberty of put his hand on the chest and reached to his intimate parts while he said these words: it is because of your sins that God has you in this state» (fl.22r). In his statement, José González Grande also explained that after these incidents, he wrote a letter to the defendant on the 13th of November 1765 to forewarn him about his intention to give him away to the Holy Office. The defendant answered him in a pastern (which is the letter he provided to the process documentation as proof). There are also letters from two other women that were included in the process documentation as denouncement letters, also for solicitation, against Antonio Isidoro Valdeón.

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Page 21r


Pepe tu haras bien en seguir

tu consejo y sosegar de esse mo
do tu alborotada conciencia. en
orden à mi, como me considero
mui ageno de todo delito
he tomado las medidas corres
pondientes à mi mayor expera
y comprehension qe la tuya en
estos y semejantes casos. De el
presente vivia Yo mui olvida
do, y prueba de ello qe sin repa
ro ni escrupulo te he confesado
despues muchas vezs Lo qe no
harè Yo mas, y por determon
y resolucon unicamte mía busca
ràs otro qe te confiese, con eso
me pondrè mas lexos de darte escrupulos: oy Miercoles àDs


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