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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1753. Carta apócrifa de un autor no identificado fingiendo ser Diego Sánchez Carralero y Aguadé, fraile, para Fernando Carralero, abad.

Autor(es) Anónimo103      
Destinatário(s) Fernando Carralero      
In English

Apocryphal letter from an unidentified author who pretends to be Diego Sánchez Carralero y Aguadé, a friar, to Fernando Carralero, an abbot.

The author writes Fernando Carralero pretending to be his nephew, to tell him that he has paid for the marriage of a girl, and to send him some stanzas he allegedly composed with the story of his relationship with the girl.

In February of 1753 defamatory stanzas were left on the altar of the church of the Cistercian monastery of Nuestra Señora de Monsalud (Córcoles, Guadalajara). They were entitled 'Seguidillas for a mixed marriage', and their content accused the 'cillerero' (an administrator) of the convent, Diego Sánchez Carralero y Aguadé, of having maintained an intimate relationship with a recently married girl. The stanzas defamed also other members of the convent, such as the abbot Andrés Calvo, and the prior, Vicente Cervantes. Soon, the content of the stanzas became public. Moreover, someone pretended to be the administrator and sent the text to the prior of another convent, uncle of the administrator. The gravity of the situation forced Vicente Cervantes, the prior of the convent, to request the intervention of the Holy Office. The enquiries determined that the responsible for the scandal had been Cristóbal Núñez, a friar and the former general of the San Bernardo order, who had quarrelled with some of the friars of the convent and in particular with Diego Sánchez Carralero y Aguadé. Eventually, the Inquisition tribunal of Cuenca prohibited and seized the text and reprimanded Cristóbal Núñez.

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Page 99r > 99v

Padre maestro Abad de San martin

Seria un genero de Yngra

titud mui malsonante
que un sobrino que tanto
afecto merece a Vue Pd no
le diese cuenta de lo que aca
ha de ejecutar en creito suio Y
de sus deudos, Y Puedo decir
de fuentidueña, en cuio lu
gar acaso no se abra bisto
funcion de boda tan ob
stentosa Como la que Yo cos
tee Yo estas Pascuas Pasa
das Con el motibo de casa
r una moça a quien de
bia obligaciones, asegur
ando a Vestra Pd que no
se omitio nada para ace
r la boda menorable
lo que V P Podra Ynferir

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