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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

[1757]. Carta de Juan José Aranda, cura, para Julián Martínez.

Autor(es) Juan José Aranda      
Destinatario(s) Julián Martínez      
In English

Letter from Juan José Aranda, a priest, to Julián Martínez.

The author asks Julián Martínez to contact his former maid, Isabel Villar Abarca, and to convince her to retract the declaration she made against him.

The defendant of this process was Juan José Aranda, the priest of Mazarulleque (Cuenca). In 1757, he was accused of heretical propositions and heretical actions by the Inquisition of Cuenca, because he claimed that the constant molestation to which he subjected Isabel Villar Abarca, his maid, was not a sin. Juan José Aranda had also maintained illicit relationships with other maids, as Ana María Gayán and Manuela Palomino. Actually, it had been the pregnancy of Manuela Palomino that had triggered the whole process, because the priest was suspected to be responsible for that. The inquisitors then ordered the imprisonment of Juan José Aranda and the seizure of his properties. All the letters he had in his house were confiscated and joined to the proceedings as a proof. Eventually, the defendant was forced to abjure de levi, and he was sentenced to two years of confinement in a convent and to three years of banishment, at a minimum distance of eight leagues from Chinchilla (Albacete), Mazarulleque (Cuenca), and Madrid.

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Amigo y sr Julian de toda mi

estimazon zelebrare que esta halle a Vmd con
toda salud en Conpa de su sa Parta Maria
Anttonia a qn dara Vmd mis expresiones
y tendra esta pr suia. Yo á Dios grazs bueno
pero tan apesadumbrado me hallo como
puede considerar en esta carzel de corona, todo
dimanado de la desgrazia q tubimos asi
la Manuela como todos de la buena elec
zion de la Criada q nos Vuscó su sa Parta
la que nos dio a todos buen pago por haber
la Vestido sin merezerlo y echo satisfa
zion d ella en el supuesto como sabe el
Mozo y la Manla de que satisfaria su
Pe lo q excediese del salario servido y a
si dijo q por eso no dejasen de vestirla
y hazerle Casasa de paño fino ea


Y no tan solamte huio de

Ver la qta si que fue tan Marraja q estan
do yo y todo lel lugr en q era mal de cora
zon como de facto tenia tanbien la Manla

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