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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1813. Carta de Bernardino Velón Becerra para Ramón Pardo.

Autor(es) Bernardino Velón Becerra      
Destinatário(s) Ramón Pardo      
In English

Letter from Bernardino Velón Becerra to Ramón Pardo.

The author apologizes to Ramón Pardo for not having sent his uncle a copy of a lease.

These are three distinct but related processes, which form a single unit. In chronological order, the three processes are: a lawsuit in 1815 by Gregorio Sánchez Cedrón with Froilán López and Manuel López about a tithe; a lawsuit in 1820 made by Bernardino Velón Becerra with Gregorio Sánchez Cedrón about a payment in maravedís; and a lawsuit in 1825 made by Bernardino Velón Becerra with Gregorio Sánchez Cedrón about a payment in reales. The letter here transcribed was found in the first of these processes.

Bernardino Velón administered for several years the tithes obtained by Simon Tadeo García, pastor of Liria in the kingdom of Valencia, from the simple benefices of various parishes. In 1810, Bernardino Velón gave in lease to Gregorio Sánchez Cedrón all the tithes corresponding to the parishes of San Fiz de Bergazo and San Martín de Perliños, for a price of 1,500 reales per year. Afterwards, Bernardino Velón gave the same parishes in lease to Froilán López y Manuel López. As a result, Gregorio Sánchez sued Froilán López and Manuel López, claiming that he was the rightful tenant of those parishes and that he and Bernardino Velón had signed a leasing contract of which, however, he had never received a copy. When a copy of this contract was requested, Bernardino Velón answered that he had never sent it because he had lost the keys of the drawer that contained the contract.

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Guilfrey Julio 28 1813

Mi estimado y sor Dn Ramon Rvi su apreciable con

inclusion de la del sor Dn Gregorio sanchez a quien
no puedo escrivir por aora pero lo hare qto Antes
pueda y en qto a su contenido digo que tanto vm
como su tio no son ni pueden conpararse con los sas
tres pues ya vm saven que mas estimo a vm que a qtos
sastres y toda su casta tiene este mundo dejo de rre
mitir copia del arriendo por haver perdido la llave
del cojon donde lo tengo pero bivan seguros de
que mi palabra sera segura cunpliendome a los
plazos correspondientes finalmte interin sirba esta
carta pues a la primera Vista entregare la copia
a vm o al sor su tio con las mismas condiciones que
yo lo tengo sin mas alteraon de lo que tenemos abla
do para el dia onze o Veinte y ocho se lo entrega
re haunque sepa rronper el cajon y aunque su tio me
dice que el sastre se metera a percibir digo que no
lo hara ni llevo tal orden Hasta nuevo escrito
mio, Rvi los mil quinientos Reales a qta de los dos

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