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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1670-1680]. Carta de Juana de Alcantarilla, zapatera, para su hijo Gabriel de Soria, estudiante.

Autor(es) Juana de Alcantarilla      
Destinatário(s) Gabriel de Soria      
In English

Letter from Juana de Alcantarilla, a shoemaker, to her son Gabriel de Soria, a student.

The author advises her son on what to do about the lawsuit that have been brought against them.

Gabriel de Soria, son of Ambrosio de Soria, was accused of having insulted and wounded a 'familiar' of the Holy Office, Juan García Gascón. Ambrosio de Soria was implicated in the accusation, too. They were arrested, but Gabriel managed to escape, although he was soon found and imprisoned again. The families of Juan García Gascón and Gabriel de Soria had been friends for many years. When Gabriel had had an affair with a girl, Juan had helped him to resolve the situation without having to get married. Later, Juan had received a loan from the Soria family, which he had not repaid. When the Sorias demanded the money from him, he threatened them with revealing the story of the affair of Gabriel. This was the beginning of the enmity between the two families. When the nine-years-old son of Juan insulted Gabriel, this started a fight in which was involved also Gabriel's father. Eventually, Gabriel de Soria was sentenced to four years of imprisonment in Orán and eight years of banishment. These letters were seized when Gabriel was searched after he had been arrested for the second time.

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yjo mio reçebi tu carta y con ella

mucho contento en saber quedas
con salud yo llegue el sabado
por la mañana de cuenca que a
bia ydo a ver en que estado estaba
el negoçio tuyo y as de entenderme
dijeron se abian querellado conque
me bine sin nada y a la noche a cosa
de las nuebe fueron a la carçel el
cura y don pedro rrodriguez y don
fran chacon y sacaron a tu padre
y se lo an llebado a cuenca yo me
barrunto que an de acer de manera
que te lleben a ti por eso guardate y
esta con cuidado y al tio no le digas na
da d aqui a ber en lo que para esto
dios te guarde como deseo que se lo

tu madre que mas t estima
Juana de Alcantarilla

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