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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1704. Carta de Juan de Saavedra para Juan Roldán, criado.

Autor(es) Juan de Saavedra      
Destinatário(s) Juan Roldán      
In English

Letter from Juan de Saavedra to Juan Roldán, a servant.

The author relates Juan Roldán the inquiries he made about Marco Amarita, who is suspected of having got married for a second time in Santa Cruz de Mudela.

In 1704, Marco Amarita was accused of bigamy by the Inquisition Tribunal, because he was suspected of having got married for a second time in Santa Cruz de Mudela. He was married with Leonor de Alarcón, resident in Madrid, whose brother managed to contact Juan Roldán, a servant, who had a sister in Santa Cruz de Mudela, in order to discover if the suspects about the second marriage of Marco Amarita in that town were real. For this reason, Juan Roldán wrote a letter to his brother-in-law, to which the letter here transcribed is the answer. Juan de Saavedra affirmed that Marco Amarita had changed his name to Juan Marco and lived with another woman. Juan Roldán gave the letter to his master, who handed it over to the Inquisition as a proof. However, the lawsuit was suspended, because it could not be proved that Juan Marco and Marco Amarita were the same person.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 7r


Primo y Sr mio aunq no e tenido havisso de Vmd

de lo q rrespondi a la suya p el correo del 7 de
mayo por el correo ymbiandole a dezir lo q
passa en quanto a lo q me pide y manda
en la suya. Y es q Marco amarita oficial
de la lana q Vmd dize, se me ofreze dezir
a Vmd q esta en esta vil cassado y con hixos
bibo y se a trocado el nombre y se llama
en esta vil Juan Marco; Y es el por y na
tural de essa ciudad Y asi Vmd Podra ase
gurar a su amigo como se alla en esta vil
Y a mi me mande ottra cossa q executar
q lo are como devo y Rezibira muchas
memorias de todos y mias y dara a su
madre Dios gde a Vmd m a Santa Cruz
y julio 29 de 1704

Primo de Vmd su mor
Juan de Saabedra
Primo Juan Roldan

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