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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1745]. Billete de Ignacio de Arisméndez para Francisco López, clérigo del correo.

Autor(es) Ignacio de Arisméndez      
Destinatário(s) Francisco López      
In English

Note from Ignacio de Arisméndez to Francisco López, a clergyman in charge of the post.

The author sends Francisco López a list of instructions to find a treasure of gold, silver and jewels.

In 1745, Manuel Navarro y Larraga was accused of sorcery. He was seized five notes, various papers, a candle and other objects. The notes contained a list of instructions to find a treasure, but only one of them has been conserved (PS8101). It seems that these notes had been sent by Ignacio de Arisméndez by means of a servant, who brought them to Belmonte, where the treasure could allegedly be found. The accused had been imprisoned for six years in Ceuta, where afterwards he lived, because he had been banished from Madrid for another crime. He had planned to go to Belmonte to follow the instructions contained in the notes. There had been a correspondence between the two of them, before the travel of Manuel Navarro y Larraga to Belmonte, in which they discussed the matter of the treasure.

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Page [13]r


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la vella, ella por si misma, se apagara, entonces
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sacara el oro, plata y anillos, se los entregara
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cantidades y alajas esten puestas en cobro
i guardadas A la satisfacsion del Sr, Dn, Mi
guel, entregara su merced mil doblones a
mi criado, y me lo despachara, a la mayor bre-


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