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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1645. Carta de Pedro de Torres para Dionisio Aybar, canónigo de la iglesia de Borja.

Autor(es) Pedro de Torres      
Destinatário(s) Dionisio Aybar      
In English

Letter from Pedro de Torres to Dionisio Aybar, a canon of the church of Borja.

The author reproaches Dionisio Aybar for having failed to keep his promise, because he has not gone to visit a sick person as he had promised to do. He reminds the addressee that the sick still needs his cures, and he begs him to keep curing him like he did before, or, if he does not want to, to tell him that clearly, but it would be a pity, because he had promised to do it.

In 1645-1646 Dionisio Aybar was accused and eventually found guilty of witchcraft. In particular, he was accused of using sorcery to heal people, of pronouncing heresies and for having done a pact with the devil. This letter was found in the waist pouch of the accused, along with other papers.

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Page 44v > 44r

Sr Canonigo

Vmd, se a olbidado de la

palabra que oy me dio
a la puerta de la sma Tri
nidad y que bendria oy
a las cinco a ber a el sr
don Ju no me la a cun
plido y me espanto que
en hombres tan de bien
como Vmd falte y
mas abiendoselo yo
suplicado tantas beces
y quando es tan necesario
como Vmd sabe abien
dole enpecado a curar
y aberle dexado re
mobido que un punto
no le abia de aber

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