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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1651]. Carta de Capuchino, pseudónimo de Bartolomé Arias, servidor del tabaco, para Garcilaso.

Autor(es) Bartolomé Arias      
Destinatário(s) Garcilaso      
In English

Letter from Capuchino, pseudonym of Bartolomé Arias, a tobacco seller, to Garcilaso.

The author tells Garcilaso about some shippings and other economic matters they are involved in.

Between 1650 and 1666, Bartolomé Arias was accused of being a judaizer, and was eventually found guilty. During the interrogatory, he confirmed to have written the first of the letters of this file (PS8143), but someone had told him not to sign it. In this file are collected also the letters related to communications from the secret jails, because Bartolomé Arias was suspected to have stolen a key which permitted him to establish a way of communication between the jail and the outside world. Alonso de Cañizares, warden of the secret jail of the Holy Office in Toledo, declared that, during a search in the cell of María Carlos (who had been arrested as a judaizer), he had found a quill and small sheets of paper. When interrogated, María Carlos relates how she managed to get the quill and how she had prepared ink with charcoal and water, to write to her husband Baltasar Rodríguez Cardozo, who was imprisoned, too.

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Sr garsilaso

Amigo de mis ojos perdona el

no averos respondido q no a si
do por falta de gusto sino por el
poco que yo tengo con mi mismo
y ansi pa q conoscays mi voluntad
y el deseo q tengo de serviros digo
q ajustandome a vuestro gusto
vendran a ser entranvos uno mis
mo que todo aqllo que tuvieres volun
tad ese mismo podeys aser q yo
estare sienpre pa serviros a la calebri
na ablare y si ella tuviere gusto
lo ara q yo se lo pedire con todas
las veras posibles q estimare mucho el veros pa una cosa
de ynportansia y de no poder ser os avisare d ello
dios os gde domingo vuestro amigo el capuchino


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