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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1795. Carta de Cipriano Ribeiro Freire, ministro plenipotenciário, para Dom João de Almeida de Melo e Castro, diplomata.

Autor(es) Cipriano Ribeiro Freire      
Destinatário(s) João de Almeida de Melo e Castro      
In English

News letter from Cipriano RibeiroFreire, plenipotentiary minister in Philadelphia, to Dom João de Almeida de Melo e Castro, the Portuguese plenipotentiary minister in London.

The author gives his condolences to the addressee for the death of his uncle and he congratulates him in advance for the probable inheritance of his political position. He comments on all kinds of topics, from shallow matters to internal and external politics. He reports on the problems raised by the negotiation of a treaty of commerce between the United States and Great Britain. He ends by telling the addressee that he will receive two dogs from the United States, one sent by his wife and the other by the British minister.

João de Almeida de Melo e Castro (1756-1814), the 5th Count of the House of Galveias, was a Portuguese diplomat who, given the pluri-continental nature of the monarchy he represented, had to be very subtle, while dealing with foreign powers, in the management of the resulting Portuguese political ambiguity. He was a plenipotentiary minister in London, the Hague and Rome and an ambassador in Vienna. After 1801 he had different government functions: foreign affairs minister, war minister, navy and overseas minister. He had also several honorary titles. He married Dona Isabel José de Meneses but they had no children, so the 6th Count of Galveias was his brother Francisco (1758-1819).

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Illmo e Exmo Snr

Meu Amigo e Sr do meu maior respeito e

Não respondi logo á carta que recebi de V Exa, datada
de 2 de Janeiro, porque quando o intentava fazer me
chegou a triste noticia do falecimento do Tio de V Exa;
cuja perda todo o Portugal deve lamentar, e eu, e até
com motivos particulares, pelo muito q devi ao
seu favor e protecção. - E não dezejando dár
pezames, mas parabens, suspendi aquelle dever
esperando que no intervalo me chegasse a provavel
nova de ser V Exa quem succedesse naquelle
importante Lugar, ás virtudes, patriotismo,
desinteresse, zelo, honra, e intelligencia daquelle
nosso grande Ministro, com as qualidades que
não o preconisam ha muito tempo para
este eminente Lugar, mas que lho devem se-
gurar finalmente, quando esta nomeação
succeda por tranquilhas de Corte differir-se
por mais algum tempo. - Acredite V Exa
a parte viva e sincera que tómo neste golpe
da Providencia, cujas disposiçoens nos sam
quasi sempre incomprehensíveis, e como táes
nem accommodadas aos nossos desejos, nem as
nossas esperanças; e quem tem tanta reli-
gião e philosophia como V Exa, não carece,
para resignar-se, das minhas debeis consolações.

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