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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1561. Carta de Fernão Mendes para Lourenço Pires de Távora, embaixador em Roma.

Autor(es) Fernão Mendes      
Destinatário(s) Lourenço Pires de Távora      
In English

Private letter from Fernão Mendes, to Lourenço Pires de Távora, ambassador in Rome

The auhor tells the addressee that some former news sent by him seem to be nothing but groundless rumors.

The two letters (PSCR0101 and PSCR0102) were sent from Florence by Fernão Mendes to the ambassador of the Portuguese Crown in Rome, Lourenço Pires de Távora, a nobleman who had fought in the Portuguese Africa and India campaigns. In these letters the author gave a wide amount of information he had gathered.

The archival services first considered that this letter had been written in 1511. However, it actually dates from 1561, as the letter itself attests and the comparison with the letter PSCR0102, from the same author, can also prove. Through comparison with PSCR0102 we determined that the place of origin was Florence, Italy. The archival services have erroneously attributed different names to the author of the two letters, considering that the author of PSCR0101 was Fernando Mendes and the author of PSCR0102 was Fernão Martins.

Several letters can be found in the collection "Corpo Cronológico", a documental fund under the custody of the National Archive of Torre do Tombo. It is a collection composed mostly by documentation of judicial and administrative nature, from 1161 to 1696. After the earthquake of 1755 many scattered documents were incorporated in this fund. Just like the name suggests, the main criterion of organization within the Corpo Cronológico is the documents' date.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page [1]r

muyto Ilustre sor

a somana pasada mãdey a vs hũa nova q aqui me

avião escryto posto q dise q a tinha pr muy vãa e mĩti
rosa e a escrevera eu a outrẽ senão a vs em
fisão prq sey mo ha dito secreto, e aquella carta
q me escreverão era de xij deste. despois receby
do mesmo mãçebo outa carta de xiiij deste q diz asy:
mãdey dizer aquillo da India prq o vy hũa carta ou
almeta, mas vierão outras e não dizẽ nada sey ago
ra de veneza se se se segunda. maneira q a cousa se
desfaz aar louvado ds mas vs q jaa ouvio esta voz
vãa advirta veneza a saber as vdadras. eu pude
comigo fazer menos q escrevello, posto q yncora pena
de homẽ q escreve novas de vẽto q pa mynha arte he grã
de pena e mais caso tão ynportãte, visto o pjuyzo da
cousa e mais prq esta ynfamya mynha de leve a ha de
sabr nÿgẽ senão vs a q mil vezes beijo as mãos a 19
d abril de Lxj

Sdor de vs
fernã mẽdez

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