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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1540. Carta de Fernão Mendes, procurador, para João de Melo, inquisidor.

Autor(es) Fernão Mendes      
Destinatário(s) João de Melo      
In English

Private information from Fernão Mendes, an attorney, to João de Melo, an Inquisitor.

The author tells the addressee that his defendant wants to confess his guilt.

Most of the letters that were included as instrumental evidence in the Inquisition proceedings against Simão Franco were written by the defendant's attorney, Fernão Mendes, and were addressed to the Inquisitor in charge, João de Melo. They contain some pressure in favor of the defendant. Simão Franco started by denying that he practiced Judaism, stating that the witnesses who were accusing him were his capital enemies, but ended by admitting his guilt.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 43r


mãdou me diz este pso p requerẽte

de q elle tẽ mto poucos q conhecia seu
pecado e q quer recõciliarse a sancta
madre igreja/ deus noster miserycors
est vult mortẽ pecatorys sd magis
ut cõVtatur et vivat / et dicit q in qua
cũqz ora pecator ingenum erit anplios im
quitatz eius recordabitur. peço
a Vm mãde a elle os officiaes do
sancto offo pa elles deputados e reçe
ba a recõciliação p


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