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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1620-1629]. Carta de Maria Coutinho para Isabel Gomes, sua prima.

Autor(es) Maria Coutinho      
Destinatário(s) Isabel Gomes      
In English

Request letter from Maria Coutinho to her cousin Isabel Gomes.

The auhor asks the addressee to look after her brother when he arrives in Hamburg. She also expects to join them soon.

José Coutinho Botelho was a half New-Christian who was twice prosecuted and convicted by the Inquisition. The first time, he was prosecuted for Judaism and received a sentence of three years in the galleys. The second time, he was charged of trying to escape from Lisbon to the Flanders. He justified the journey saying that he was just accompanying an old deaf men who was going to the Flanders and to Hamburg and needed someone to hear for him the answers to the letters he was carrying there.

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minha sora e prima da minha alma a
qual vm la tẽ seper sua cõpanha e
nenhũ tẽpo nẽ de propiridade nẽ
de aversidade deixei nuca de ẽcõ
mẽdar a vm a noso sor ele me de pa
siẽsia tãotos tromẽtos quatos te
nho pasados e paso cada ora e nesta
ate mais pois minha desavẽtura me
che a tẽpo q me aparto deste irmão
q e o lume dos meus olhos o q me a de
chegar a racar a vida a qual me
custara menos perdela eu fico
rios de lagrimas o q de dia e de noi
te me acõpanhara não tedo outra
cõsolasão senão ir ele pa a cõpanhia
do sor meu primo e de vm a quẽ o
cõmẽdo mto q mo cõsole e agasalha ja
q noso sor foi de tãota misiricodia

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