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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1714. Carta de Manuel Gomes Rodrigues, cozinheiro, para a sua mulher, Maria Gomes.

Autor(es) Manuel Gomes Rodrigues      
Destinatário(s) Maria Gomes      
In English

Family letter from Manuel Gomes Rodrigues, cook, to his wife, Maria Gomes.

The author gives his wife some news about his health, and sends regards to other family members.

The defendant in this process is Manuel Gomes Rodrigues, who sometimes was known by Manuel Gomes and others by Manuel Rodrigues, among other names. He was accused of bigamy, for having married Antónia Josefa while his first wife, Maria Gomes, was still alive. He was able to marry this second time thanks to a falsified document saying he was single. When it was publicly known that is first wife was still alive, he tried to kill her, poisoning the water that she was supposed to drink and, failing this, beating her and trying to drown her. She cried for help, which called the attention of the neighbours. He was later condemned to be publicly flogged and to row for five years in the galleys, among other punishments.

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A minha molher

maria gomes mais tare
za mais minha irmã mais
irmão mais meus tios to
dos e copaders todos es
timarei estas duas re
gas os achem a todos
com perfeita saude
como lhe dezeijo pa
min ainda que hela
não tem sido mta qe
estive as portas da mor
te Co des sangerias ja ti
nha mandado chamar
o Lecenciado porque
ja tinha faLádo
q eLe me tinha di
to aonde morava heu ja saBia a Rua por iso
La mandei agora em estando tezo Logo escer
verei se me quizeres escerver metema den
tor da do sr pe mel Roiz fereira que heu
se me não me acho milhor não emBarco Co ele
a ilha da madeira mais tenho Bem pena
porque La avia de tiralhe dinheiro por

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