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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1770. Carta de Manuel Pedro de Horta Salema de Carvalho, fidalgo e familiar do Santo Ofício, para Francisco Xavier da Gama Sodré, escrivão da Confraria de Nossa Senhora da Anunciada em Setúbal.

Autor(es) Manuel Pedro de Horta Salema de Carvalho      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Xavier da Gama Sodré      
In English

Private letter from Manuel Pedro de Horta Salema de Carvalho, nobleman and collaborator of the Holy Office, to Francisco Xavier da Gama Sodré, scribe of the Fraternity of Nossa Senhora da Anunciada in Setúbal

The author writes to the Fraternity's scribe, apologizing himself for not paying his debt.

This letter was included in the proceedings of a litigation between Manuel Pedro de Horta Salema de Carvalho and the chairman and brothers of the Fraternity and Hospital of Nossa Senhora da Anunciada in Setúbal. Given the fact that Manuel Pedro de Horta Salema de Carvalho was a collaborator ("familiar") of the Holy Office, the proceedings were led back from the tax court to the Holy Office. The Fraternity lended 114.985 "réis" to Manuel Pedro de Horta Salema de Carvalho, holding in pledge Manuel's belongings, as guarantee. The need to pay the hospital's daily expenses forced the Fraternity to sell the belongings. This letter shows that the author was the debtor and not his father, as he tried to prove. The signature's recognition appears in the footnote of the letter.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 39r

Snr Franco Xer da gama Sodre

Eu sinto nesta ocazião não ter o dinhei

ro pronto pa o poder remeter e Receber os meus
penhores, visto esa confraria ter tam
grande persizão delle e juntamte per
me lembrar que me remio a minha
vexação, em tam poucas horas não
poso dar ordem ao dinheiro e tambem
porq ama faso jornada po lxa mas em
vindo farei toda a deligencia po que com
toda a brividade o satesfazer, e espero
de vmce partesipe esta minha resposta
a menza ficando eu a vmce mo obriga
do e pronto pa exzecutar as suas ordens
Ds gde a vmce mo ans Caza 5 de Agosto de 1770

De vmce
Mto seu venor e obrigado
Manoel Pedro D orta Salema




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