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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1689]. Carta de Vicente de Cuéllar, sacerdote, para Manuela de Barrios, monja.

Autor(es) Vicente de Cuéllar      
Destinatário(s) Manuela de Barrios      
In English

Letter from Vicente de Cuéllar, a priest, to Manuela de Barrios, a nun.

The author writes Manuela de Barrios to tell her about his faith and to give her advice about hers.

In 1689, Vicente de Cuéllar was accused of being an 'Alumbrado' by the Inquisition Tribunal, after a denounce made by the priest Juan de Verdesoto Pinto, who had accused him of making heretical propositions and of maintaining a suspect behaviour towards the nuns of the Bernardine convent in Cuenca. Juan de Verdesoto Pinto had been warned about this situation by a prebendary of the church of Cuenca, Francisco de la Cámara, who had known the accused and had had also a correspondence with him, which had ended when he had realised that the content of the letters could have been considered as contrary to the Catholic authorities. Afterwards, he had destroyed these letters. In the meanwhile, he received knowledge that the accused made 'spiritual talks' with the nuns of the convent through the turnstiles of their cells. He then told everything to Juan de Verdesoto, the confessor of one of the nuns who had frequent contacts with the accused, María Josefa de la Puente. Once asked about her relationship with Vicente de Cuéllar, María Josefa de la Puente confessed everything and gave Juan de Verdesoto all the letters he received from de accused, which were then joined to the proceedings. During the interrogatory, María Josefa de la Puente told that all the letters were from 1689, and that their correspondence had started after a visit the accused had made to the convent and had not lasted more than two months. She also related to have burned several letters, fearing that someone could read the spiritual propositions contained in them. There were other two nuns with whom Vicente de Cuéllar had maintained a correspondence, which was then joined to the proceedings: Manuela de Barrios and Andrea de Villarreal. Eventually, the abbess of the convent was interrogated, María Ana de Otonel, who stated that the accused was deaf, and that was the reason why he wrote so many letters to the nuns with spiritual advice. All the nuns declared, in any case, that the letters of Vicente de Cuéllar caused them qualms and unease.

The original proceedings contain more letters than the ones here transcribed, together with other writings by Vicente de Cuéllar, but their content is very similar. We do not know, however, if he was eventually found guilty and which was the sentence.

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Muy Sra mia

es cierto que les estimo a Vmds

la buena voluntad que me tienen y que
ya que no tengo con que pagarle la pago
con oraciones y no dudo que vm sabra
corresponder al sr dandole todo su corazon
y dejando a las cosas caducas y perezederas
para lo que son y que le habran a Vmd
ministrado los sierbos del Sr mucha luz
y se la ministraran mas yo sierbo sin
probecho ni mis cosas de que probecho le po
demos ser à Vmds y mas quando tiene
tal sugeto que cuide de Vmd que aunque
esta tan ocupado no sera como la higuera
que christo maldijo pues estara lleno
de frutos. Los sierbos de Dios son muy
celosos del bien de las almas y lo es mucho
quien cuida de la de Vmd que porque los rui
nes como yo se aprobechen sabe muy bien
aunque encubiertamente decirles sus defectos
pa que los enmienden y no les suzeda lo que a
la higuera dicha y esto naçe a lo que mi
corto juiçio alcanza de chard y es tanto su
celo que no le deja sosegar y no puede tole
rar que nadie se meta à aprobechar à otrie
no estando aprobechado esto se yo de su celo
aunque conmigo no se asta aora que lo haya
practicado si bien se que muchos tendra quien
esta tan desaprobechado como yo. y a esta causa no e admitido su suplica de Vmd pues teniendole
a el que estara muy aprobechado en todo no era justo meterme yo a hechar la hoz en mies ajena
no estando asegurado su credito ni el de su director porque si tal hiziera quedare yo obli
gado a la restitucion de ambos y a dejarle el ganado a su director con arta confusion mia
por la nota de ambizion spirt que hubiera. lo que Vmd me manda es una cosa que solo
consiste en resistir la voluntad al amor propio y a los apetitos de los sentidos y no darse

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