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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Syntactic Trees

1812. Carta de Antonia de la Fuente para José Antonio Suárez de Pazos.

Autor(es) Antonia de la Fuente      
Destinatário(s) José Antonio Suárez de Pazos      
In English

Private letter from Antonia de la Fuente to José Antonio Suárez de Pazos

The author writes asking for money.

The lawsuit was brought in 1819 by José Antonio Suárez de Pazos against Andrés Amado and his wife Luisa Salazar, about a payment of maravedís. Domingo Antonio Salazar, stepfather of the plaintiff, married Antonia de la Fuente and had two daughters: Josefa Salazar and Luisa Salazar. After the death of Domingo Antonio Salazar, Antonia de la Fuente married Ramón Montero, and after the death of Antonia de la Fuente, the plaintiff decided to take care of Josefa and Luisa Salazar. However, Luisa Salazar, the younger of the two sisters, left home to marry Andrés Amado, officer. José Antonio Suárez de Pazos then sued Andrés Amado and Luisa Salazar, demanding the amount of 2580 reales for having taken care of Luisa Salazar; in particular, for having paid sewing classes, for having clothed and fed her and for having lent money to her mother, Antonia de la Fuente, and stepfather, Ramón Montero. To prove this, he handed over the two letters here transcribed and various receipts.

Coruña, December 22nd 1812

My dear “compadre” [the godfather of her daughter],

After wishing that you enjoy as good a health as I wish you, this letter is just to let you know I am holding on to my promises. I am very indebted [to your generosity], which I don’t deserve, but God forgave those who harmed Him. And, so, today I must hand in nine “duros”, which I don’t own, but I hope to have them on the thirteenth, next month, new year, from [my husband], your compadre’s salary. Therefore, you can, with no risk, favour me until that day, no longer. And if I don’t honour my word, you should trust me never again. Concealing my discomfort, I ask you to give me your orders [since I am] your most dedicated friend,

Antonia de la Fuente

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Frase s-4 qe io estando en esta mui suia, la qe no meresco, Pero Dios Perdono al que le izo daño,
Frase s-5 y asi oi mismo tengo la Precision de entregar nuebe duros los qe no tengo Pero si esPeranza de ellos Para el dia trece del mes qe viene año nuebo del sueldo de su conPadre
Frase s-6 y asi Puede con toda satisfacion Faborecerme asta aquel dia, y no mas
Frase s-7 y si a la Palabra Faltase no se fie vmd mas de mi,

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