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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Syntactic Trees

1645. Carta de Diego Gómez, mercader, para Gabriel Díaz Flores, médico.

Autor(es) Diego Gómez      
Destinatário(s) Gabriel Díaz Flores      
In English

Letter from Diego Goméz, merchant, to Gabriel Díaz flores, physician.

The author informs his brother about the health of some of their relatives, and asks him to go to visit them.

The accused in this process was Gabriel Díaz Flores, physician of Santa Olalla (Toledo). In 1649 he was accused by the Inquisition Tribunal of Toledo of abetment and interfering with the visit of the tribunal in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) and surroundings. Gabriel Díaz Flores had asked to the secretary of the Inquisition Tribunal if this had received testimonies against any member of the family of Manoel Rodrigues Dias, because the latter was afraid that one of his servant had denounced him and his family for judaizing. The accused had this letter with him at the moment of the arrest. The letter was joined to the proceedings as a proof, in order to look for signs of Judaism in it. Eventually, Gabriel Díaz Flores was condemned to three years of banishment, in which he had to stay at a minimum distance of twelve leagues from Madrid, Toledo, Santa Olalla (Toledo) and Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), and to the payment of three hundreds «ducados».

In the left margin of this letter appears the following annotation: «Judaísmo».

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Frase s-1 Mi prima a Dios graçias anda levantada y cada dia con achaques,
Frase s-2 quisiera esta primavera se curara, tomando sudores o lo q pareçiera mas açertado
Frase s-3 si se hallare desocupado venga a vernos pa cumunicar lo q mejor fuere, demas q ha dias no nos vemos
Frase s-4 Las Gallinas eran estremadas y como criadas en casa
Frase s-5 a la prima le de Dios salud pa q nos regale
Frase s-6 y quien las truxo se vea como ellas llegaron porq no quedaron en casa por venir aogadas
Frase s-7 El sobrino no ha venido de Seva
Frase s-8 El s lys y su casa tienen salud, y no ai de q avisar,
Frase s-9 el portador lleva un esportillo con fruta y un puchero con sardinas, pa la prima a quien dira encomiende a Dios a su primo Mel Gil q en dos oras le llevo Dios avra 12 dias en osuna,
Frase s-10 sirvase aver misericordia con su alma y dar remedio a su casa.

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