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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1617]. Carta não autógrafa de António Álvares Cardoso, padre, para Dom Fernando de Ataíde Vasconcelos.

Autor(es) António Álvares Cardoso      
Destinatário(s) Fernando de Ataíde Vasconcelos      
In English

Private letter, dictated, from António Álvares Cardoso, priest, to Fernando de Ataíde Vasconcelos.

The author explains how he had proceeded with some written documents.

The files 2388 and 4203 of the Lisbon Inquisition are related, since their defendants ‒ Antonio Álvares Cardoso and Alonso Carrillo de Albornoz, respectively ‒ were denounced by the same person, Fernando de Ataíde Vasconcelos, an accusation that also involved Mariana Galindo and António de Cáceres. They were among the various members of a group that was said to practice witchcraft, and exchanged correspondence with each other. Fernando de Ataíde Vasconcelos was invited to one of their meetings, in March 1617. Since then, some of the letters were also sent to him, being later included in the files as criminal evidence against the people he denounced. Father António Álvares Cardoso was arrested in 1618. Alonso Carrillo de Albornoz, Spanish, resident in Lisbon and a professional comedian, who signed his letters as Martim Lopes, was also found guilty of witchcraft and sentenced to exile for eight years to the island of Príncipe.

«I'am out of my mind. You gave order for Cunha to leave here the money you told him and to tell him to appropriate the houses for three months, and I told him so. And to avoid any obstruction, if he didn't want to appropriate them for three, he should appropriate them for six. And since Cárceres, who went to see the houses with him, was there, he didn't leave any money: he was sure to return here again and then he would leave the money, which he didn't, and I haven't heard from him again. And seeing this and knowing it was saturday, new moon, and I'm at home with the foundlings and the keys, lacking news from you or from Castelhano, I did this writing to you, that follows this one, thinking it hadn't gone yet and the money would still be with the Castelhano. Thinking you had gone, I wrote to Castelhano about my complaints. He sent me that writing you'll see here. Seeing this, I wanted to send it. Since Cáceres arrived, and he volunteered to go and he must be the holder, please see what we can do and why the money wasn't left, or if you made any other deal; this situation has been making me even sicker than I was. And may Our Lord Jesus be with us. Send me good news of you and your health and of Madam Violante. Your servant, the father António Álvares Cardoso.»

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Ando, eu estou fora de mi, deixa vm ordem ò Cunha para deixar aqui o dinheiro que vm disse, e diserlhe que fosse tomar as cazas,

as cazas por tres mezes, e eu assim lho disse, e pera não aver desaviamento que se as não quisesse dar por tres, que as tomasse por seis, e porque aqui estava o carceres, que foi com elle ver as cazas, não deixou o dinheiro que avia de tornar por aqui e deixaria o dinheiro, o qual não tornou, nẽ tive mais recado algũ; Vendo eu isto, e vendo que foi sabado lua , e eu estou com os zorros em caza, e Com as chaves sẽ ver recado de vm, nẽ do Castelhano, fis esse esCrito a vm que Com este vai, Cudando que não seria ido, e o dinheiro estaria em mão do Castelhano, acharão ser vm ido, fis entam hum escrito ao Castelhano de minhas queixas, elle me mandou esse que vm ahi vera, Vendo eu isto, quis mandar como chegou o Carceres que se offereceo a hir, e deve ser o portador, vm veja o que se ha de faser, ou que dezordem, foi a de não ficar o dinheiro, ou se teve vm outro aCordo, que me tem isto feito mais doente, do que estava, e Com isto nosso senhor Jesus, mandeme vm boas novas de sua saude, e da senhora dona Violante; Criado de vm o padre Antonio alvres cardozo.[fig1]



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