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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1782. Carta de Manuel Francisco dos Santos Silva, familiar do Santo Ofício, para António Teixeira Lima, vigário e comissário.

Autor(es) Manuel Francisco dos Santos Silva      
Destinatário(s) António Teixeira Lima      
In English

Letter from Manuel Francisco dos Santos Silva, a familiar of the Holy Office, to António Teixeira Lima, vicar and commissioner of the Holy Office.

The author reports on the whereabouts of a certain Indian, Félix Ferreira, who had witnessed a crime.

Francisco Pessoa was a first captain in Barreiros (Pernambuco, Brazil) who was prosecuted by the Inquisition under the accusation of sacrilege and superstition. Apparently he used to assemble some Indians and some of his own family and together the group would disrespect an image of Christ, boiling, wrapping and jumping on it. Nevertheless, for lack of witnesses, the case never went to trial.

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R Snr Dor Antonio Teyxra Lima

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