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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1728]. Carta de [frei João da Madre de Deus], religioso, para [Maria Marcelina] (Maricas).

Autor(es) João da Madre de Deus      
Destinatário(s) Maria Marcelina      
In English

Love letter written by a monk, frei João da Madre de Deus, to a young lady, [Maria Marcelina], alias, Maricas.

The author describes the virtues of a silver heart, which is both smooth and hard. The heart was probably a jewel sent to him by the girl. He confesses his love and shows jealousy because of her fiancé.

The monk frei João da Madre de Deus was accused of conduct unsuitable to his religious condition. He was involved with a mother and her daughters, who had received him in their house in Alenquer. The women handed the letters as a proof of his guilt but were afraid both of his vindictive character and of the proofs he himself held, because he had never handed back their own correspondence. He also kept the gifts they had given him: a braid of hair, two silver hearts and a silver case.

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Minha Maricas dos meos olhos. Hum coração de prata sim he coração lizo, mas coração duro, e eu queria q não o teu coração, mas tambem a figura delle fosse tão brando como huma massilha, mas isso he coisa do Liberato, e pa elle he. ahinda assim estimo mto a prata do teu coração, e estimo essa prata, mais q todo o Oiro, qto ha no Mdo; E assim te pesso q estimes o meu amor porq he gde, he fino, he Verdadro, he firme he constante, e he mto maior do q o q o Liberato te tem. Não digo mais nada, porq me não posso explicar mais. ADs meu amor.

Mto teu Amte J M



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