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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1576. Cópia de carta de Álvaro Mendes para Manuel Leitão, ex-guarda do Santo Ofício.

Autor(es) Manuel Leitão      
Destinatário(s) Álvaro Mendes      
In English

Copy of a private letter from Álvaro Mendes to Manuel Leitão, prior guard of the Holy Office.

The author replies, with some distrust, o a letter that had been sent to him, commenting on situations of his case and asking for news about some people.

This is the second process of Manuel Leitão, prior guard of the Holy Office in Coimbra, who was accused of facilitating the correspondence between inmates and their families and friends. While in prison, he kept corresponding with an old inmate, Álvaro Mendes. These letters were intercepted and copied by members of the Inquisition, who then put them back in their envelopes and sent them to the intended recipient. This exchange lasted from August to October 1576. The defendant later tried to deny these contacts, but ended up confessing and accusing a large number of other people.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Texto: -

treslado do escripto q mandava manuel leitao a alvaro mendez doo qual faz mencão no termo atras em reposta do terceiro escripto
Fiquei mto aguastado e embaracado com este
nem sei a quem escrevo diguo a quem respondo
mandeme hum sinal q pasasemos ambos pa q este seguro porq tenho mtas cousas q dizer que sam passadas q Relevam mto a todos e ha esa ma molher
tenho muto bom as contraditas ss a issabel dias molher do barbosa do porto he Anna luis
della he a outras q nomearei se poder ser mandaremnos avissar
folgaria mto
mandeme dizer quanto ha q isto foi hou se estava presa se solta e com quem me culpou se hate dous dedos sem o avissar.
quãto ao homẽ nam o conheco por tal nome se nam he o babam de cea que se chama Anrique frz se este
he mandeme dizer quanto ha he onde morreo e de tudo me mande logo a reposta
e quantas pas sam presas e se ha nova d auto em coimbra

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